Welcome to Luoqing Elementary School

Welcome to Luoqing Elementary School! Located in the beautiful Beidou Township of Changhua County, Taiwan, we are a thriving community of learners dedicated to providing our students with a well-rounded education. In addition to our strong academic program, we offer a variety of extracurricular activities, including dragon dance, traditional Beiguan music, and Chinese calligraphy, to help our students develop their talents and interests.

We are particularly proud of our bilingual education program, now in its third year. We believe that the ability to speak and understand English is an invaluable skill in today's globalized world, and we are committed to helping our students reach fluency. With our focus on international communication and cultural exchange, we are confident that our students will have the tools they need to succeed in a diverse and interconnected world.

Thank you for considering Luoqing Elementary School for your child's education. We look forward to welcoming you to our community and helping your child reach their full potential.


我們為將邁入第年的雙語教育計劃感到特別自豪。 我們相信,口說溝通和理解英語的能力是當今全球化的一項寶貴技能,我們致力於幫助本校學生達到流利程度。 我們專注於國際交流和文化交流,我們相信本校的學生將在多元化和互聯的世界中超越領先。

感謝您選擇螺青國小作為您孩子的教育選擇。 我們期待著歡迎您來到我們的社區,幫助您的孩子充分發揮潛能。

Latest News 最新消息

The English Conversation Club at Luoqing Elementary School engaged in an exchange session with Teacher Shannon Braden from California, USA, on April 26. During the session, Teacher Shannon asked questions about the school’s Dragon Dance Club, Woodball Club, Recorder Club, and Sports Day. Demonstrating their growing confidence in English, students responded to the questions and effectively showcased the diversity of the school clubs and their evolving language skills. What a valuable opportunity for the students to cultivate international connections and further develop their English language skills!

螺青國小英語會話社於4月26日與來自美國加利福尼亞州的Shannon Braden老師進行了一場交流活動。在此次活動中,Shannon老師詢問了有關學校的舞龍社、木球社、直笛社和運動會的問題。同學們以逐漸增強的英語自信心回答了這些問題,有效地展示了學校社團的多樣性及其不斷提高的語言技能。這對學生來說是一個寶貴的機會,可以培養國際聯繫並進一步發展他們的英語能力!