Dragon Dance Club 舞龍社

We are proud to introduce our school’s Dragon Dance Club, where tradition meets excitement! Established just three years ago, our club has quickly become a symbol of pride and cultural heritage within our school community.

The dragon represents strength, power, and good luck. It is believed that performing the dragon dance brings blessings to everyone. With each move, we wow the crowds with the gracefulness of our dragon. Our shows aren't just about skill, they show our teamwork. Each person in our club helps bring the dragon to life.

The Dragon Dance Club has been receiving invitations to perform at various events both within and outside the school. Whether it's New Year celebrations, cultural festivals, or school assemblies, our club is always ready to dazzle and inspire with our vibrant shows. We are honored to be ambassadors of tradition and heritage, spreading joy wherever we go!




Vocabulary: tradition 傳統/ excitement 興奮/ symbol 象徵/ pride 驕傲/ cultural heritage 文化遺產/ strength 力量/ power 權力/ good luck 好運/ blessing 福氣/ crowd 群眾/ gracefulness 優雅/ skill 技巧/ teamwork 團隊合作/ dazzle 令人著迷/ inspire 激勵/ vibrant 有動力的/ ambassador 大使/ joy 喜悅


Dragon Dance Keywords 舞龍關鍵字

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Hey kids, have you ever heard of a Dragon Dance? It's a traditional dance that's popular in Taiwan. It's performed during special occasions and festivals. The dragon is made of paper or fabric and can be up to 100 ft long. The dancers move the dragon up and down in a coordinated way. It takes a lot of practice and teamwork to perform a Dragon Dance. That's why some schools in Taiwan have dragon dance teams. It's a great way to learn about tradition and practice teamwork.


Introducing our school's Dragon Dance Club: our club is a symbol of pride and cultural heritage within our school community. The dragon represents strength, power, and good luck. Performing the Dragon Dance brings blessings to everyone. With each move, we wow the crowds with the gracefulness of our dragon. Our shows aren't just about skill; they showcase our teamwork. The Dragon Dance Club has been receiving invitations to perform at various events. Our club is always ready to dazzle and inspire with our vibrant shows. We are honored to be ambassadors of tradition and heritage, spreading joy wherever we go.
